Saturday, 2 April 2016

Do you think you can?

       Social media today is mourning for another innocent life. A young, gorgeous, buoyant and eminent face of Indian television succumbed to the pressures of the society. Sometimes I wonder what does a modern woman thrives to achieve from life. If a successful and independent diva of our so called modern society cannot stand up to their male counterparts then who will? Do you think you can? 

           I am aggrieved to hear that Pratyusha bannerjee has met the same fate as Jiah khan few years back and what is more distressing is that their boyfriends continue to enjoy the perks of being linked to a diva when they were a no one themselves. And this is only the tip of an iceberg. You can imagine the gravity of the situation in small towns and non-metro cities.

Here’s something I wrote on women empowerment:-

मैं नारी हूँ मैं सबला हूँ, समरूप हूँ मैं पर हीन नहीं,

आकाश में उड़ना है मुझको, पर नसीब मुझे क्यूँ ज़मीन नहीं ;

इन आँसुओं पे ना जाना तुम,

के प्रगाढ़ हूँ मैं, गमगीन नहीं ;

दरकार नहीं सहारे की मुझे,

के शोषण से टकराए जो, बलवान वही-और वीर वही ;

बात इतनी सी है, गर समझ पाए कोई,

के तुम मुझसे हो मैं तुमसे हूँ , और एकाकी हम फ़रदीन नहीं ;

एकाकी हम फ़रदीन नहीं…


R.I.P. Pratyusha


  1. It's really sad to see such a young girl die like that. Something is wrong in society and we need to talk to people close to us during tough times.

    1. Well said Vishal...a few words can sometimes save lives:-)

  2. has become a sad and distressing trend these days...

  3. sundar rachna , you highlighted the sadness beautifully

  4. beautiful post Amit, but my thinking or perception is bit different from crowd.

    My take:

    why to stake life for such undeserving brats who don't care for you?

    If you feel you are not getting along well, move from the relationship and live for urself and family.

    further, life isn't easy, there are many challenges and we need not succumb to pressures of life, live knocking down the troubles and giving it a challenge.

    1. Very well said Ila ji. What makes me sad is that the so called accomplished ladies are failing to do so. I pray for all the strength to these warriors...and Thank you for your valuable input:-)

  5. A very sad affair and very well written and relevant poetry. If any person is found guilty, he should be strictly punished.

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    1. Well said Subhodeep. Glad you liked it:-)
